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Phil in the new bush tunnel © 2010 - 2025 Tom Downing



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Picture Information:
Picture Title: Phil in the new bush tunnel
Photographer: Tom Downing
Submission Date: 7/11/2010 8:29:11 PM
Comments: We were working on the crenshaw extension installing the track panels we got from Jerry Boudreaux. When we got to the point were this large bush was growing over the fences Phil and I thought it would be fun to make a frame to hold it up and have the new track go under still needs some work but here's Phil giving it a test run.hopefully in time the bush will grow down the side making it a complete tunnel.
Gallery Category: Projects
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Locomotive or Car Type: Steam Locomotives
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Track Gauge: 7.5
Scale: 1.5
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Photo Comments:
Critiqued 7/12/2010 10:12:10 AM by Steve   Claude, RPV  (Click on the name to view members portfolio)
Looking good
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Critiqued 7/12/2010 4:26:58 PM by George  Kramer, Long Beach, CA USA
That bush appears to be a Blue Wistaria. If it is, not to worry worry. It will just keep on growing, and growing, and growing! I''ve got one on the back fence that came over from the neighbor''s yard. A constant battle with trimming it. Great job on the tracklaying work, guys!

  Comment Response Entered: 7/12/2010 4:49:30 PM  By: Phil   C. - Torrance, CA
Thanks for the info George, we were wondering what kind of bush it was. It has these really small bottle brush type things that were purple with white tips on the end and some strange looking miniature pine cone looking things further down the branch. It seems to be a very hearty plant so we hope it will grow down the side and fully enclose the tunnel.
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Critiqued 7/12/2010 6:03:38 PM by George  Kramer, Long Beach,CA
Phil, your description rules out the Blue Wistaria, but it sounds like you've got an even better one. Perhaps Australian in origin? All it needs is some type of trelliswork or arbor to guide it as it grows, along with some trimming. Only at SCLS would we find a living tunnel! A great idea. Hoping to meet with you train guys soon and take a ride or two.

  Comment Response Entered: 7/12/2010 6:18:12 PM  By: Phil   C - Torrance, CA
George, come on down this Saturday, we are having our public run and you can come take a look for real. We still have a little more construction to do on the trellis to make it a bit more steady but it is pretty good right now. It is a really nice plant, glad we did not have to trim it.
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