Next Public Ride Day :
SCLS is a 7.5 inch gauge miniature railway that members volunteer to give public train rides to the public on the first Sunday of every month from 11:00am to 3:00pm and the third Saturday of every month from 12:00pm to 3:00pm Group trains maybe reserved on one of the public ride days 30 minutes before the desired ride time at the sovereign stand. The train ride normally takes 15 to 25 minutes depending on the route the train takes. *For children to ride the trains, they must be able to walk on their own and be at lest 32" tall. They must be accompanied by a adult. *Infants are not allowed to ride the trains.
- Do you like trains? - Are you retired and looking for a fun, interesting, and rewarding way keep yourself entertained? - Are you a teenager that would like to learn how to run a miniature train or get some community service credit - Are you the DYI type but don't have a place to use your skills? - Do you like gardening but don't have a place? - Would you like to have thousands of people view your creativity at work? - Would you like to be part of a group of city volunteers that gives thousands of families a safe, enjoyable, and unique place to go and spend quality time together? If so, SCLS in Wilson park maybe a place for you. Many people may think this looks like an expensive hobby or something that takes a degree in engineering, but that is not the case. SCLS has a few different types of memberships available. There is no need to buy expensive equipment. SCLS has equipment available for members to use, onces they have been probably trained. When property trained this equipment is fairly easy to operate and is just a ton of fun. -If you are interested in SCLS and would like more info you can: -Email the President -Come out to one of the days we are giving train rides, take a train ride, look around, and talk to one of the volunteers. You can stop by on any Tuesday morning and talk with the crew and see if this is something that will work for you. For official club business, please contact the club via email at: As of January 2024, SCLS members have enjoyed giving over 668,000 public train rides Birthday and group trains are available on the club's two run days. Just check in at the depot 1 hour before you would like a group ride, make a donation and there’s no waiting in line for your group. For your convenience, we set up a donation box as you enter the queue line. We would greatly appreciate a $2.00 per rider donation for birthday and group train rides.
*Donations help keep us running and are our sole source of funding as a 501c3 non-profit corporation. Please donate at our station on our run days. Thank you for your support. Riders may have noticed we have been working on the flower gardens. If you like this you can help us by donating plants and drip line supplies. Just drop them off on a runday or any Tuesday morning at the back gate. Or send us an email to the President of SCLS *** We are a small group and we are always looking for some help. Please take some time and check out this website. If you find it interesting, consider volunteering and becoming a new member at SCLS. As with any group, it doesn't always work out for everyone. if you like trains, DYI projects, if you're retired looking for something fun to do you can share with your faimly, need an interesting way to get your commuity service credits for school then SCLS may be the place for you. You don't have time? Well, maybe just passing along some nice input to the right person about SCLS can help. SCLS is a large facility and we can always use material donations or a commuity service day. New and used items are always welcome if it's something that helps with our facilty or to help with one of our community events. We are always trying to add new items or upgrade existing items to keep the train ride interesting. *** The Scouting Corner *** We are all very grateful to the following Scouts, their troops, and families *Christopher Madden, Troop 388, inner loop burm RR tie wall, 2-2020 *Caleb Li, Troop 413, install grass and irrigation line beside tracks from depot to yard switch, 6-14-2020 *Tyler Thymes, Troop 783, clear ground install new stone and wood chips from station to Yellow House along street side of grounds, 7-12-2020.
*Kerisjun Jenning,Troop 413, Plant 4 large pine trees and install ground cover at Crenshaw gate. 14-15 July 2020. *Samuel Bernard, Troop 413, Landscape improvements, trim 3 large trees, install new plants, wood chips, and drip lines. From tunnel to club house 8-8-20 *Eric Lyons, Toop 413, install 60 feet of new white picket fence and wood chip ground cover between red car and the depot 8-29-20 *Steven Yi, troop 413, install rock retaining wall on one side of the caboose berm, landscape top of bue chips. 10-10-20 *David Uehara, Troop 413, Install RR tie retaining wall on right side of figure 8 cut. Landscape behind the wall with weed barrier cloth and wood chips. 10-30-20 *Connor Parsons, Troop 860, build a pedestrian bridge and a set of railroad tie steps across from station for direct access to infield. 11-14-20. *Patrick Garrett, Troop 413, hand grade berm next to wood tunnel, install irrigation water drip lines, install three layers of plantings. 12-6-20.
*Brandon Hung, Troop 413, Built a raised planter between red car and depot. Install plants and a small tree. Surround planter with artificial grass. 23-24 Jan 21. *Jonathan Klenk, Troop 860. Install rock bottom to the false creek by the pump jack. 23-24 Oct 2021.
*Matt Klenk, Troop 860, Install pavers along side the track at the station where there was only grass, 8-9 Jan 2022. *Michael Tsai, Troop 413. Railroad tie berm wall on inner loop. 23 April 2022. *Elijah Galatea, Troop388,Build a display garden between yard switch and the tunnel July 30 2022 *Darren Lin, Troop 413, Build a display garden on the burm by wood tunnel 1-28-22 *Sean Basil's, Troop413, Plant 4 trees next to the Crenshaw right of way 9-24-22 *Kainoa Mark, Troop413, Built and installed an information kiosk at the station area, 5-13-23 * Patrick DurRuyter, Troop966, Built a retaining wall at the rear of the picnic area, 9-9-23 * Matthew Basilio, Troop 413, add irrigation lines and socculents to figure 8 berm 12-9-23 *Parker Hancock, Troop860, install paver block in front patio around presidents garden, 3-23-24 & 3-24-24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Are you a future Eagle Scout? Do you need to complete your Eagle Scout Service Project? Please contact: President, or Treasurer
If your scout troop is interested in having a community project at SCLS or helping at one of the SCLS Special events please send us an email.
***********************************************S.C.L.S. "T-Shirts": we have all the sizes from infant to XL3 available in many different colors. Just check at the depot . ******************************************* DO NOT WAIT IN LINE! Ask about special "Party Train Rides" at our "TRAIN STATION!", on our public run days! (Donations are always welcome) Wilson Park South East Corner of the park S.C.L.S., Inc. P.O. Box 3969 Torrance, CA 90510
Click HERE for driving directions |